
Friday, March 8, 2013

Avoiding Diabetes

     Research shows that time spent in sedentary behavior — sitting or lying down — has a stronger impact on diabetes risk than does moderate to vigorous physical activity in adults. Sedentary behavior "is not simply a lack of exercise," and trying to reduce it "shouldn't be used as a substitute for exercise; they should be treated independently.
     Study findings were consistent across a diverse age range, providing evidence that the negative consequences of excess sedentary time exist from young adulthood through older ages (ages 18 to 74 years). Previous studies that have shown detrimental effects of sedentary behavior have been performed in older adults in the general population.
     Plans are being made to conduct another study, assessing individuals at risk of diabetes who will be assigned to 1 of 3 groups: sitting all day, walking about for 5-minute intervals twice an hour, and standing for 5-minute intervals twice an hour. They plan to try to tease out the biological mechanisms that are at play. (Source:  Stop Sitting, Move More to Avoid Diabetes  Medscape Medical News, 2013-03-01)
     In summary, to decrease you chances of developing diabetes at any age as an adult, it is recommended that you spend less time lying and/or sitting IN ADDITION to exercising regularly. Meaning that you should change you lifestyle to be  as active as possible as well as maintaining a regular exercise regimen.

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